Academic calendar

Academic calendar

Below, you can find our academic calendar for 2023/24. The academic year is divided into two semesters - Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. Both semesters start mid September and mid February.

Final dates for exams, thesis submission and defenses will be announced shortly. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us here

Academic Planning Constructor Institute of Technology 2023-2024

Sep - 23371112131415 121819202122
Fall term 2023381819202122 132526272829
 392526272829Apr - 241412345
Oct - 234023456 1589101112
 41910111213 161516171819
 421617181920 172223242526
 432324252627May - 24182930123
Nov - 23443031123 19678910
 45678910 201314151617
 461314151617 212021222324
 472021222324 222728293031
Dec - 2348272829301Jun - 242334567
 4945678 241011121314
 501112131415 251718192021
 511819202122 262425262728
 522526272829Jul - 242712345
Jan - 24112345 2889101112
 289101112 291516171819
 31516171819 302223242526
 42223242526Aug - 243129303112
Feb - 24529303112 3256789
 656789 331213141516
 71213141516 341920212223
Spring term 202481920212223 352627282930
Mar - 249262728291Sep - 243623456
 1045678 37910111213
 111112131415Fall term 2024381617181920


Public Swiss Holidays

National Day - 1st of Aug

Christmas St. Stephan's Day - 25th of Dec

New Year's Day - 1st of Jan

Berchtold's Day - 2nd of Jan

Easter Monday - 1st of Apr

Labour Day - 1st of May

Ascension Day - 9th of May

Whit Monday - 20th of May


Color labels

Summer breakOrientation days
Classes startThesis submission
Public holidaysGraduation ceremony
 Thesis defense period