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Application and admission process

Application and admission process

Constructor Institute of Technology offers innovative programs that equip students with not only strong technical skills but also the product management and leadership skills that will allow them to thrive in their professional careers.  

If you are ready to jump start your academic and professional career with the help of Constructor Institute of Technology, follow along below to see all the details about the application process, deadlines, and requirements of our Master’s and PhD programs.

Master application

Application deadline

We offer a rolling admission process. Yet, we recommend that all required documents be submitted by July 31st (for all students). Under individual circumstances (transcript delays, visa documentation, insurance issues etc.), we are able to extend that deadline. In case you need an extension, please contact us for further instructions.

Application process

Join Constructor Institute of Technology in 6 easy steps: 

  1. Register at the application portal
  2. Submit all required documents 
  3. Learn about financing options 
  4. Complete your interview with the Constructor Institute of Technology Faculty 
  5. Receive your admissions decision after within 1-2 weeks 
  6. Enroll and pay your deposit 
student CI

Required documents

The following documents are required to complete your application:

  • Proof of identity: Provide a government-issued national ID or passport for EU and non-EU citizens. 
  • University transcripts: Submit your most updated transcripts or official mark sheets of completed semesters. Include explanations of grading systems if applicable. 
  • Diplomas: Submit a copy of all diplomas received 
  • CV: Describe your academic, professional, extracurricular, and voluntary activities. 
  • Motivation letter: Write a 1-page letter explaining your choice of Constructor Institute of Technology, reasons for admission, and exceptional qualities. 
  • Proof of English language proficiency (optional): Demonstrate English language proficiency by any official language certificate or by a personal interview with one of our representatives.  
  • Recommendation letter (optional): Obtain letters of recommendation from professors, supervisors, or employers, ensuring they are signed and unique. 

Your CV and motivation letter must be in English, all other documents can be in the Swiss official languages (German, French, Italian) or English. Alternatively, you can provide official translations.

PhD application process 

Pursuing a PhD at Constructor Institute of Technology in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, is an opportunity for you to join the scientific community. As a PhD student, you actively participate in leading-edge research under the guidance of a professor and alongside a team of fellow researchers, including other PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.  

If you are ready to embark upon such a journey, don’t look further, our application process is very efficient and flexible. Your steps are:

  1. Review the research areas of our faculty members  
  2. Email the professor of your choice with your CV and research interests  
  3. The chosen Research chair will contact you and will advise you on how to proceed
  4.  We accept PhD applicants all year round