


Constructor Institute of Technology presents a full scope of policies and regulations that ensure the sustainable, qualitative and responsible standards of our organization. 

Download the Equality guidelines
One of the key values of the Constructor Institute of Technology Schaffhausen is equality of opportunities.
Constructor Institute of Technology is committed to equal opportunity, regardless of an individual’s gender, age, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social background, or disability. Read more...
Download Organization and governance
The present description of the Governance structure is part of a comprehensive set of documents (see section 2) helping to achieve accreditation. Constructor Institute of Technology is part of a larger initiative, the Constructor ecosystem. Read more...
Download the Sustainability strategy
Constructor is an educational ecosystem founded in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, in 2019. The main goal of the Constructor ecosystem is to address the world’s most pressing challenges through knowledge. Read more...
Download the Faculty Statute
The present Faculty Statute (hereafter referred as “this Statute”) regulates the conditions of employment of the following members of Constructor Institute of Technology Schaffhausen. Read more...
Download the Code of academic ethics
The aim of research at Constructor Institute of Technology Schaffhausen is to contribute to the advancement of
humankind by expanding and sharing knowledge. Achieving this goal requires a systematic application of scientific principles and thorough enforcement of the highest intellectual and ethical standards. Read more...
Download the Quality management handbook
Constructor Institute of Technology is small, but its ambition is big: to become a major force in the world of top-level research and education institutions world-wide. Reaching this goal requires a focus on quality. Read more...