Webinar: Explore Smart Cities & Software Engineering!

CI-Webinar-7 Feb, 2024

Study your MSc at Constructor Institute of Technology in Schaffhausen, Switzerland

You are welcome to join our next webinar on February 7th, at 17h (CET), so you can dive into our recent research topic on Smart Cities and to explore the opportunity to study with us. Become the next digital leader and master your tech skills with our modern MSc programs in Computer Science, Software Engineering and Leadership, as well as Quantum Software Engineering & Computer Science.

Do not miss the opportunity to secure a spot and get a special tuition fee offer!

During the webinar you will hear from:

  • Prof. Mauro Pezze, presenting his exciting research on Smart Cities and teaching insights at Constructor Institute of Technology;
  • Prof. Bertrand Meyer, Provost - presenting our exciting MSc in Computer Science, Software Engineering and Leadership program for digital leaders of the future;
  • Prof. Manuel Oriol, President - presenting our MSc in Quantum Software Engineering & Computer Science and who will share what makes both of these programs so innovative, including our Capstone Project;
  • Ask your questions - you will have the chance to meet our recruitment & admission representative - Mrs. Caroline Meyer Sharma, who will help you fill in the blanks on our special Early Bird tuition fee conditions, scholarship opportunities, the application process and living in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.

We are looking forward meeting you!

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