Prof. Wolfgang Tittel's groundbreaking paper is now accepted in Physical Review Letters

New paper

Constructor Institute of Technology proudly announces a major quantum research achievement: Prof. Wolfgang Tittel's groundbreaking paper is now accepted in Physical Review Letters. This confirms our leadership in quantum research, with Constructor Knowledge and Constructor Capital playing vital roles.

Quantum Revolution Leaders

Quantum tech attracted $2.35 billion in 2022. Constructor Capital's portfolio companies, QuEra, Qnami, and Qruise, are at the forefront, shaping this revolution with their innovative contributions.

Geneva Collaboration

Prof. Tittel collaborated with the University of Geneva and TU Delft, harnessing Erbium ions' potential at the Geneva lab to tackle quantum challenges.

Key Achievements

Their paper demonstrates Stark tuning of single Er3+ ions, a milestone for quantum networks. It also unlocks the power of quantum interference.

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