Professor Dr. Bertrand Meyer's visit to various institutions in Bulgaria.

Professor Dr. Bertrand Meyer's visit to various institutions in Bulgaria.

As part of Constructor Institute of Technology ongoing efforts to expand its network and forge new strategic partnerships, Professor Dr. Bertrand Meyer, Provost and Head of the Chair of Software Engineering at the Institute, recently visited various academic institutions in Bulgaria. The primary focus was to present his findings on "Requirements Engineering" and explore collaborative opportunities with universities in the Balkan region.


The journey began with visits to two prominent academic institutions – the New Bulgarian University (NBU) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Kliment Ohridski University. Professor Meyer's delegation then headed to the American University in Blagoevgrad (AUBG), where he introduced his research.


Academic collaborations: exploring new avenues


The main objective of the visits was to facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange between Constructor Institute of Technology and Bulgarian universities. Discussions at the American University in Blagoevgrad included potential student exchanges and faculty collaborations, laying the groundwork for future academic partnerships.


Research highlights: "Requirements Engineering for Modern Systems: The PEGS Approach"


A key aspect of the visit was Professor Meyer's research titled "Requirements Engineering for Modern Systems: The PEGS Approach," presented on January 29, 2024, at the American University in Blagoevgrad. The presentation emphasized the importance of quality requirements in software projects. The PEGS approach, focusing on Project, Environment, Goals, and System, offers a contemporary perspective. Professor Meyer examined existing practices and proposed a standardized plan surpassing the outdated 1998 IEEE standard.


Challenges and solutions in modern requirements engineering


The talk addressed challenges faced by software projects today and outlined a strategic approach. The PEGS approach, integrating formal elements and providing a structured plan for requirements documents, sets a new standard for navigating complex modern systems. Professor Meyer's session not only enhanced understanding but also set the foundation for potential future collaborations between Constructor Institute of Technology and Bulgarian academic institutions.


In conclusion: a prelude to academic excellence


Bertrand Meyer's visit positively impacted Bulgaria's academic landscape, opening doors for potential collaborations. The discussions and presentation underscored a shared dedication to advancing knowledge in requirements engineering. Professor Meyer's lecture has set the stage for a practical academic relationship between Constructor Institute of Technology and Bulgarian institutions, marking the start of a journey towards academic excellence and collaborative innovation.