Successful CIRCUS Workshop Highlights Cutting-Edge Research and Innovations at Constructor Institute of Technology Schaffhausen

Successful CIRCUS Workshop Highlights featured image

Constructor Institute of Technology Schaffhausen hosted today an academic workshop featuring presentations by our esteemed professors and researchers. The event showcased to both the larger Constructor network and the local community in Schaffhausen the innovative work being conducted at Constructor Institute of Technology.

The workshop provided a unique opportunity for the public to gain insights into cutting-edge research and technological advancements with the potential to impact everyday life. The event covered a wide range of topics, including:

  • The necessity and achievements of software verification.
  • The potential for computers to correct human errors.
  • Quantum advancements: from computing to software engineering.
  • A quantum game for schools and the general public.
  • Assessing the quality of smart cities.
  • Smart monitoring of complex ecosystems.
Event Outcomes

The workshop was a resounding success, with over 40 participants from academia, including current students and alumni, local authorities, and the Constructor network attending both onsite and online. The event fostered collaboration, networking, and the exchange of innovative ideas, leaving attendees with valuable insights and inspiration for future endeavors.

Constructor Institute Circus workshop event

Participants praised the quality of the presentations and the opportunity to engage with leading experts in various fields. The positive feedback highlighted the workshop's success in promoting knowledge sharing and technological advancement.

“While not all its residents may know it yet, Schaffhausen now has in its midst a higher-educational institution performing leading-edge research in software technology, smart cities, quantum computing and other fascinating topics important for everyone’s future, with over a dozen enthusiastic PhD students and postdocs guided by experienced faculty. The CIRCUS workshop provided an excellent opportunity to show to the community what we are doing -- science in the making.”
Prof. Bertrand Meyer, provost and professor of software engineering at Constructor Institute of Technology
"I was impressed by the diversity of topics on the day. I realized once again how important research into quantum technologies is for future economic development - here, in Schaffhausen and, of course, worldwide. I am pleased to see that the young researchers at the Constructor Institute of Technology are engaging with these topics and their practical application."
Mrs. Petra Roost, Economic Promotion Canton of Schaffhausen


Based on the success of the first edition, the decision has already been made to hold a new workshop in 2025, with the date already set: 25 June 2025.

Constructor Institute of Technology, established in 2019 in Schaffhausen and part of the Constructor group, is a higher-education, research and technology transfer institution, currently offering two master programs and hosting several research chairs in software and quantum technologies with an active PhD program. For more information about Constructor Institute of Technology see here.

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